Little Free Library…

Little Free Library Lawerence Kansas. white with red interior

I first saw these on Facebook in the form of utilizing unused phone booths in England. Not long after that, probably because they had now been brought to my attention, I came across another photo of a Little Library in Lawerence, Kansas. –>

This little gem of an idea will not let me go.

I love the whole concept of it… not to mention the cuteness factor. How could anyone not want to read a book from a little house? Okay, my grandkiddos who refused to read this summer ~Weasy, a straight A student, has read 10% of a book in the last three months.~ may be able to resist. However, I know I could never pass by one without a peek inside.

Now I find out there is a Little Free Library Organization complete with website. Click on the link for a trip over there and you will find the mission statement ~ they have goals and they are noble and good. ~ a gallery section filled with creative little buildings plus a map link to find Little Free Libraries around the world. This is where I found we have a need in my area.

If I had been aware of this idea while teaching I would have never had a classroom without one. But that was then and this is now… And as I think about creating one of my own I have run into a road block… I’d have to release some of my books from my white knuckle grip. I’m going to have to get better at sharing.

National Library Week put your face in a book billboardNow to find a hammer, some nails and a little wood.