Where’s My Kindle?

This is not mine but looks just like it.

I was over taken by panic this morning. My Kindle was LOST! …as in gone and nowhere to be found.

I’d had it yesterday. I remember setting it down after searching the lending library… but I wasn’t home at the time. Did I pick it back up? Put it in my tote? Would I have to start calling around? Post a finders reward sign on the power pole at the end of the street? Breathe…. just breathe and keep a clear head I told myself.

That little black device acquired last December has become an extension of my left arm. It allows me to effortlessly carry forty-six books and counting (not to mention countless apps… Going Nuts with the flying squirrel is genius. My current rank is ‘Hazelnut’). So pretty much a mini-library went missing… and I was getting quite anxious.

This morning’s search was intense. I looked under pillows, in purses I haven’t used in months, in the newspaper recycling bag and the refrigerator. Strangely, we have a history of things showing up there. Doesn’t everyone?

After a long exhaustive search (and a snack break after visiting the frig) there it was… that little black beauty, stealthy hidden atop a white storage container not four feet away from my desk.

Lovingly I picked it up checking to see if it needed a charge. Being satisfied that all was well I was ready to get back to my reading…

…but first I needed to check Words With Friends. Oh My Stars… I had 18 games waiting for my play. Reading would have to wait…