Stepping Back From the Situation

…way, way back. I’ve personally had enough of the clashing chaos that is erupting over EVERYTHING lately. Do we really need to know everyone’s opinion on everything?

Ginger kitten, Butch, 9 weeks old, with Cavapoo pup and Lionhead rabbit

Even Facebook isn’t fun anymore. I miss the puppy-kitten-rabbit pictures. And I never particularly liked them in the first place.

The way I see it (unintentional pun) we all have several sets of eyes. And we all look at life through our own life lens.

At any given time we could be viewing what is around us through eyes of emotions, eyes of logic, eyes of fear, eyes of imagination, eyes of compassion, eyes of past hurts, eyes of anger, eyes of love, or eyes of jealousy.

That’s a whole lot of factions to come together on any subject. Just try to get a consensus on something as minor as a favorite cookie. (I’d totally argue for chocolate chip until I got a whiff of a molasses cookie.)

We all view the world from different perspectives. No right or wrong… just different.


I know, from personal experience,  that I have warring factions within myself.

My critical eyes are so fine tuned they can sometimes see in the dark. I’m pretty sure I could find fault in Mother Teresa… I’m thinking…Can a person be too kind? Okay, maybe that wasn’t a great example, but you get the idea.

My eyes of compassion sometimes have a hard time squeezing by my eyes of past hurts until my eyes of heart finally show up to set things straight.

No matter the situation… What we look for, we will find.

(I’m hoping for cookies!!!)

Until next time…
