Vacation: A Time Of Rest…

A sunny day. Full gas tank. A road to the beach. We followed.

We are not good vacationers. Hub and I have already set and re-set our plans for vacation several times this summer. It doesn’t take much for us to change course so it was somewhat of a miracle that Saturday we packed the car and took off towards the beach for THREE WHOLE DAYS!!! Yes, it is a big deal and totally worth shouting about.

Hub got us over the Coast Range to Tillamook, Oregon where we stopped to eat. From there I took over driving duties as we headed south… kind of. Within ten minutes I had us on an unscheduled sightseeing tour. Some miss-labelled this as lost. Finding our way back to Tillamook and the main highway, we headed south. This time for real.

With no definite plans, or reservations, Hub tried in vain to describe a place we had stayed previously. I was stumped. NOPE! No memory of the place with a bridge… Huh-uh, nothing. It was then we rounded a corner and there it was… the City of Neskowin… complete with a general store, a post office and the Grey Fox Condos the Hub had so vividly remembered and I had not.

After securing two nights stay ~ Proposal Rock was to be our vacation focal point for the next two days… complete with bridge.

Proposal Rock, Neskowin, Oregon, from condo

Before we even unpacked, seated on the balcony we crashed a wedding. People watching here was going to be outstanding.

Beach Bride at Proposal Rock, Neskowin, Oregon

The bride and her attendants have a trek ahead as the rest of wedding party waits out at the base of Proposal Rock.

Sunday arrived with wind, rain and chilly temperatures sending beach roaming people running for cover. By mid-afternoon a few hardy souls, dressed for winter, returned. There is an advertisement around here that says there is never a bad day at the Oregon Coast. Many subscribe to that thinking.

Sea-staring can be relaxing whether done from a sand perch, a balcony or through a picture window in the comfort of a warm, dry room. It is all beautiful. However, there is an invisible line between inside-cozy and inside-trapped. I crossed it. Hub didn’t. He was satisfied… I wanted OUT. I knew I was whining about normal weather while at the same time Isaac was blowing down every stop sign in Key West. This didn’t matter. I was grumpy and I made sure Hub knew. (poor guy)

Possibly I was having Internet withdrawals…

Monday morning brought back the sunshine. We took a refreshing, early ~7:30 is early to some of us ~ beach walk to survey the aftermath of Sunday’s storm and take the mandatory self-portrait.

Proposal Rock on a sunny morning.

Storm aftermath

The mandatory self-portrait

Sunny morning at Proposal Rock

We reluctantly checked out, leaving behind the same peace and relaxation we had found previously at Grey Fox.

Saying goodbye

Saying goodbye…

I’m pretty sure next time Hub tries to describe this place to me…

I’ll remember.

Basket of shells

7 thoughts on “Vacation: A Time Of Rest…

  1. Your vacation sounds so nice, and your view was just the kind of view I love. Glad you went – and glad you came back and wrote about it!

  2. Yummy! I can see Marco and Buddy running along the beach, tongues lolling and coats full of wet sand, while Mike and I sat in lounger chairs and wrapped in blankets enjoying fresh air and salt water breakers. Beautiful pictures, girlfriend. Wonderful narrative. I back writing Boldly Bald Women at breakneck speed. The plan is to have it available from Amazon by December. And your start date for the book you should be writing is…?

    • I’m so glad you have fallen head first into your Boldly Bald project. Looking forward to my purchase. You may have to wait a bit longer to read my book… although I have the page numbers decided. ;

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